Quit Rate By Numbers
Both the number and the percentage of those who quit their jobs in July 2022 were relatively unchanged from the end of 2021, at 4.2 million and 2.7 percent, respectively. The health and social assistance industry had a drop in resignations (-73,000), while the education sector in state and local governments saw a decline (-7,000). (-21,000). The transportation, storage, and utility industries saw the largest rise in quits (+39 000). So what can businesses do to slow down the rising “quit rate”? Credit: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.htm
Why Do People Quit Their Jobs?
As more people go back to work, their wages go up. In November 2019, the average hourly wage for a person who worked in the hospitality industry was $14.75. In May 2021, when there was more demand for workers, the average rate went up by 8.5% to $16. The average wage went up 15.2% from January 2022.
It Isn’t Always About The Money
Employees in all fields quit their jobs because of what they see as a toxic work culture. MIT Sloan Business Review says that part of this culture is not promoting diversity, fairness, and inclusion. Uncertainty about a job, not being noticed, and how the company responds to COVID-19 are also factors. Credit:
Corporations Cannot Improve Upon What They Are Unaware of
Employers and workers disagree on what causes turnover. 40% of employees will quit in the next three to six months without a job lined up. Low pay rates, employees looking for other jobs, and competitors poaching employees were cited as "transactional factors" by employers. Employees said they would stay if they felt valued by their employer and the business.
How Can Businesses Slow Down The Rising "Quit Rate"?
Benefits Improvement
One way to ensure the health of your staff and keep your workers' compensation emr in good standing is to provide free telemedicine appointments. Another thing to consider is that employer-provided life insurance and short-term disability benefits are nice perks that many businesses offer their staff. There should also be enhancements made to vacation and sick leave policies.
Eliminate Toxic Workers
Good workers resent having to cover for their poorly performing coworkers. Low morale among employees is a direct result of tolerating poor performers due to a lack of human resources.
Increasing Productivity
The best way to increase output is to schedule at optimal staffing levels and allow for shift length flexibility, both of which can be determined by gaining an understanding of daily operational demand. Productivity can also be increased by having employees review current procedures and suggest changes that will eliminate any potential sources of customer dissatisfaction